This is the dish chefs were not allowed to prepare for Queen Elizabeth
There’s one ingredient Queen Elizabeth simply can’t stand
It sounds pretty good; living in a big palace, having someone serve our every need… But we also know that royal life isn’t always a bed of roses. There are quite a few restrictions to what you can and cannot do, and apparently the same goes for what you can and cannot eat.
Queen Elizabeth never eats this one ingredient.
The menu at the royal palace probably isn’t as fancy and exclusive as some people think. Recently, it was revealed that the Queen has a simple bowl of breakfast cereal in the morning. No heavy English breakfast for her. But now, another fun fact about her diet has surfaced.
One of the Queen’s former chefs shared with us the ingredient she doesn’t like to see on her plate: garlic! This is an ingredient the chefs aren’t allowed to cook with, and the same goes for onions. We suspect that the Queen wants to avoid having bad breath, but we don’t know whether or not this is the actual reason. The chef also revealed that the Queen isn’t a big fan of eating as a concept as a whole, but only does it because she needs it.
Source: Libelle | Image: Video still YouTube