William and Harry fell for Kate & Meghan because of this little detail

And this particular detail has everything to do with their mother, Princess Diana

Prince William and Harry love their wives Kate and Meghan. Of course, both brothers and their partners are very different. But still they have one thing in common!


This small detail in the face (of both women) is said to have made the men fall in love with their current wives. And their mother, Princess Diana, had the exact same characteristic! All three women have one physical resemblance: a birthmark near their mouth.


Princess Diana and Meghan Markle have a birthmark on the left side of the face and William’s wife Kate has the birthmark on the right side above her lip.

Whether this is the deciding factor to marry someone is unlikely, because it takes more than a birthmark to fall in love with someone, we would argue. But it is certainly a funny detail! After all, they always say ‘men fall in love with women who look like their mother’, don’t they?

Source: Beau Monde | Beeld: Brunopress

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