Less stress through yoga: here’s how it works

It is said that yoga is a good way to reduce stress because in yoga you work on creating harmony between body and mind. This harmony is created through various postures that unite the body and mind.

But maybe all this sounds very vague? That’s why you can read here how yoga concretely contributes to reduced stress.

Parasympathetic nervous system

During stressful periods, it can be difficult to acknowledge exactly how you are feeling, and that is exactly where yoga is a fantastic tool. Yoga makes you aware of your body, and gives you a chance to feel what is really happening there and if there are any tensions. By turning your attention inward, you can better register what is moving within you, so you also become aware of what you can do about it. When you experience stress, your body becomes tense. With the help of yoga exercises, you can resolve the tension and allow your muscles to relax.

In yoga, you also work a lot with breathing, and by focusing on the way you breathe, you can create balance and thus activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the nervous system used when you relax. However, yoga by itself is not a cure for stress; you have to actively figure out what is causing the stress before you can work on it. By making yoga a regular part of your daily life, you can prevent some stress symptoms and reduce stress levels.

Improved sleep

Insomnia is unfortunately quite common, and the causes are numerous. One is that many do not know how to unwind after a long day with many impressions and prepare body and mind for a good night’s sleep. As a result, stress is fueled or worsened. Yoga and meditation can have a positive effect on your sleep pattern. In addition to breathing exercises, there are several yoga exercises that are calming and relaxing, such as forward bends.

However, it is not wise to roll out the yoga mat for an intense yoga session right before bedtime, as this actually makes the heart beat faster. If you are one of those who find it difficult to calm your mind when you go to sleep, it is better to practice gentle forms like yin yoga or nidra yoga before going to bed. You can also lie in bed in shavasana. This means lying comfortably with your arms at some distance from your body, palms facing up and feet slightly to the sides. Then take a deep breath to your abdomen.

Clear thinking

The process of observing your breathing has a calming effect, and causes you to relax mentally. The thoughts simply restrict themselves exclusively to breathing. The various stretches in the body additionally help to relax the muscles, creating calmness in the body.

This creates better conditions for organizing your thoughts, and as a result of mental stability and relaxation, you make room for significantly more information. This will allow the brain to think more clearly, significantly reducing stress.

Source: Pexels

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